Saturday, 30 November 2013

Lemon-Scented Pull Apart Bread

Welcome to the third post of Tarts and Stuff, posted by Nat because Nic is busy shopping in Bangkok~ It's only been 5 days since we posted, but it feels like ages ago! Just wanted to thank everyone once again for the tremendous support and encouragement we have received so far. It's definitely really heartwarming and you have no idea how much Nic and I spazzed over these few days. Haha.

Anyway, back to business cause it's all about bread today. :)

Firstly, I have to apologise for the bad pictures because baking this took AGES and I was dead tired from standing in the kitchen all day, 5 hours to be exact. Also, I had to juggle with baking this and making dinner, and that was no easy task! This recipe was a success though, despite the numerous hiccups along the way, like having to add more flour than called for, having fat doughy fingers, and let's not forget; having my kitchen look as if it was hit by a tornado. (The clean up was the WORST and I wanted to take a picture of the mess I made, but that would be kinda embarrassing.)

There is, however, one unsolvable problem that remains with baking bread, and it's that fresh bread goes stale INSANELY fast. Literally within a day. BUT, good news is, when I ate it today, I realised the flavors seemed to be more pronounced than on the first day! So yeah... Soft bread or tastier bread. You can only choose one because life's like that. *Rolls eyes* Also, it suddenly hit me that this bread might be ideal for making french toast when it's stale. Not proven though, so I really don't know. Haha.

I think my favourite part of the bread was the exterior because it remained nice and crusty. Plus, I really liked the cream cheese glaze! In an attempt to be more descriptive, I'd say it added a nice contrast of flavors compared to the bread itself which was slightly less sweet! Also, I must admit that that was very awkward to write, but A for awkward effort? 

And we are coming to the end of the post! (Say nooooo) Fun fact: If you noticed, the previous pictures have a sugary topping unlike the first one. If you're wondering why, it's because I decided that it made the bread look more ~photogenic~, and also provided a nice crunch! :D

SO YEAH, do give this recipe a try because it was insanely fun to make, albeit pretty tedious and messy. Still, if you like playing with dough and don't mind being covered with flour, I'd say give it a try! It's worth it. :)

Here's the link to the recipe! And if anyone wants to know, I added about 6 tablespoons more flour than called for, because Singapore is just that humid and it interfered with the dough. :( Oh and, I recommend reading the full recipe and the comments before proceeding! It'd help a lot. :)

Have fun and thanks for reading!

See you soon!


P.S. I know this post is a tad disorganised, but I'm learning! Hope it's still understandable and I promise I'll get better soon!

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